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Penn State Berks Family and 首页coming Weekend

十大正规赌博平台大全博克分校欢迎校友和学生家庭成员参加学院一年一度的家庭和返校周末, 星期五, 10月. 7, to Sunday, 10月. 9. This year’s theme is "首页 Sweet 首页coming".

赌博平台大全的校友和学生家庭成员被邀请参加学校一年一度的家庭和返校周末, 星期五, 10月. 7, to Sunday, 10月. 9. This year’s theme is "首页 Sweet 首页coming."

The weekend will include activities for the entire family, 包括展示校园的社交和体育活动. 除非另有说明,大多数活动都是免费向所有与会者开放的, but many require advance registration.

星期五, 10月. 7

Float-Building Party, 1 to 7 p.m.在海狸运动和健康中心前面的B2停车场
带着全家人一起来看看我们的学生组织如何发挥他们的创造力,为周六中午12点的返校节游行制作他们最好的游行花车.m. Floats will be judged, 获胜的组织将获得资助,为其成员举办社交活动.

Bonfire with Karaoke and Live Music, 8:30 to 10:30 p.m., Luerssen and Perkins Lawns
以一年一度的篝火为返校周末拉开序幕,这被形容为一种值得一看的景象. Join us for an evening of music, snacks, and camaraderie. Sponsored by the Student Government Association.

Saturday, 10月. 8

Legacy Breakfast, 8:45 a.m., 校友 Tent on Perkins Lawn, advance registration is required.
Penn State alumni parents, grandparents, 和/或有家庭成员参加十大正规赌博平台大全伯克的兄弟姐妹被邀请在这个活动中庆祝他们的十大正规赌博平台大全遗产. 与会者将分享回忆和传统,同时享受免费早餐.  

家长 & Family FAQ Session, 10 a.m., Perkins Student Center, Room 3
父母 and families are invited to this special session, 在哪里会有一个开放的论坛,与专业人员会面,讨论问题或关注, as well as learn the current 新s at Penn State Berks.

Free Attractions, 11 a.m. 到3点.m., Perkins Lawn, Perkins Plaza and adjacent lawns
参加者被邀请在校园里漫步,欣赏街头表演, 免费赠品, inflatables, 和其他景点,将为整个家庭提供乐趣.

野餐, 11:30 a.m. 至下午1:30.m., Perkins Lawn Tent, advance registration is required 在9月. 30.
校友,学生,教职员工和他们的家人被邀请参加一个免费的野餐. 由于场地限制,每次聚会最多只能接待5位客人. (伯克的在校生应包括在聚会总数中.)

首页coming Parade,中午
学生, 教师, and 工作人员 will make their way through campus, 每个人都为我们的游行带来了自己独特的代表. 跟着指示牌走,可以看到鲁尔森科学楼和珀金斯学生中心之间的最佳景观. 花车和表演将有机会为他们的组织赢得现金奖励.

校友 Welcome, 12:30 to 2 p.m., 校友 Tent, Perkins Lawn, advance registration is required.
Berks alumni are invited to stop by the 校友 Tent, to pick up a free alumni gift, enjoy light refreshments, and mingle with 教师, 工作人员, and fellow alumni.  

校友 Society Meet & 问候, 12:30 to 2 p.m.,校友帐篷,珀金斯草坪,无需提前注册.

Women’s Soccer vs. Penn College, 1 p.m., Beaver 体育运动 and Wellness Center Turf Field

Crowning of the 2022 首页coming Royalty, 1:45 p.m., Lion Shrine

Berks Benefitting THON Vera Bradley and Sports Bingo下午3点到5点.m., Perkins Lawn Tent
与会者被邀请玩宾果游戏,并有机会赢得维拉布拉德利, sports memorabilia, 以及其他大奖,同时为十大正规赌博平台大全伯克慈善马拉松筹集资金. Ticket Price: $20 in advance, $25 at the event. To purchase tickets in advance, contact Emily Smith at [email protected].

Men’s Soccer vs. Penn College, 3:30 p.m., Beaver 体育运动 and Wellness Center Turf Field

Blue and White Society Tie-Dye Event, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., Perkins Lawn Mini Tent
学生组织蓝白协会将举办一年一度的扎染活动. 参加者可自备白色衣物或在活动现场购买. 欲了解更多信息,请联系蓝白协会主席Liana Vega [email protected].

Dinner available in Tully’s, starting at 4:30 p.m., a la 车te dining.

The Great DuBois: Two-Person Circus Extraordinaire, 5 p.m., Perkins Student Center Auditorium
A fast-paced, high-energy circus show for all ages, showcasing incredible feats of juggling, 呼啦圈, 独轮脚踏车, aerial and circus stunts, 扭曲, 魔术和观众互动——都被包裹在喜剧的毯子里. 简单地说,“伟大的杜波依斯”是你见过的最独特的双人马戏表演.

G.O.L.D. 团聚, 6 p.m., The Pike Cafe, 930 Pike Street, 阅读, advance registration required.
所有十大正规赌博平台大全伯克学院过去十年的毕业生——你们被邀请参加这次特别的校友活动. Spend the evening socializing with fellow alumni. Cost is $20 per person by 10月. 1; $25 at the door. For additional information, visit, 博克斯.事业单位.edu/family-homecoming-weekend.

Sunday, 10月. 9

Berks Benefitting THON 5K, 10 a.m. to noon, Perkins Plaza
Race day registration will begin at 8:45 a.m. 这个3.1英里跑步或1英里步行支持Berks benefit THON为儿童癌症筹集资金和意识的目标. Cost is $25 在9月ember 10; $30 from Sept. 11 — day of the race. Advance registration includes a T-shirt. For more information or to register in advance, visit 网站.事业单位.edu/博克斯benefittingthon77/5k/ or contact Arizona Shreck at [email protected].

SAE Baja Car Show, 10 a.m. 到1p.m.位于佛朗哥大厦左侧的G4停车场
这次车展为十大正规赌博平台大全柏克SAE BAJA俱乐部筹集资金,允许工程专业的学生成员进行设计, 构建, and test off-road vehicles. 所有类型和型号的车辆都有资格参加, whether old, 新, 车, 卡车, 自行车, 恢复, 修改, project 构建, 等. 奖项分为国产最佳、进口最佳、项目最佳、整体最佳等类别. 欲了解更多信息,请联系SAE BAJA俱乐部主席Cody Fitser [email protected].

Women’s Soccer vs. York College,中午, Beaver 体育运动 and Wellness Center Turf Field

Penn State Berks Clean Up, 2 p.m., meet at Perkins Plaza
我们邀请参加者帮助我们清理校园周围广播路222匝道. Penn State Berks is working with PennDOT on this project. 提供的物资包括手套、垃圾袋等. For more information, contact Angie DiJiacomo at [email protected].


关于家庭和返乡周末家庭部分的问题,可以直接向安吉·迪贾卡莫咨询 [email protected] 有关校友活动的问题可以直接联系希瑟·怀斯 [email protected]